Safety of your baby while sleeping

Health Pregnancy Product Advice Safety SIDS

Are you forever worrying if your baby is safe while sleeping? We have all heard horror stories and there is a catalog of conflicting information out there, but there are some basic steps to make sure are carried out while helping your baby to develop a healthy sleep journey. 
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the sudden and unexpected death of a baby under the age of 12 months. SIDS is something that no mother or father wants to experience, unfortunately we cannot completely prevent it from happening, we can reduce the risk of it happening considerably.
The Lullaby Trust state that around 88% of SIDS deaths are of babies under 6 months old.
  1. Place your baby on their back for all sleeps, although if your baby has started to find it more comfortable on their side or front and can roll over and back again then this is ok. I would give your baby some time on their front during the day to keep practicing them being able to roll onto their backs. You may feel like the first few times, you would gently like to put them onto their backs, this is also fine. 
  2. Share a room with your baby for the first 6 months, The lullaby trust state this can reduce the risk of SIDS by half. 
  3. Avoid smoke around your baby, this is during pregnancy as well as after they are born, this is one of the most significant protective measures you can do for your baby. The lullaby trust state that this can reduce 60% of SIDS, if babies were not exposed to smoke during the pregnancy or at home. 
  4. Sofa and armchair sleeping with your baby should be avoided. I know that it is so tempting to have a little nap while your baby is sleeping but it should be prevented. The lullaby trust state that this can increase the risk of SIDS by 50 times. 
  5. Co-sleeping. This is something that many parents choose to do. There are some steps we can take to make co-sleeping a safer place. Keep pillows, sheets, blankets, anything loose away from your baby. This is to stop these items from covering your baby's head and either overheat them or prevent them from breathing. There are times when no baby should co-sleep; if either you or your partner smoke, you have drunk alcohol or taken drugs, If your baby was premature (before 37 weeks), and if your baby was born at a low weight. 
There is also lots of contradictory information on the sleep products available to buy. Please ensure that any product that your baby is going to sleep on or in complies with the British Standards. If you are buying a mattress, then you need to consider is it firm? All mattresses shouldn't allow for the baby's head to sink more than a few millimeters.
The Lullaby trust advise a few products not to buy.
  • pods or nests
  • pillows, duvets or thick heavy bedding
  • cot bumpers
  • hammocks
  • sleep positioners. 
Another common concern for a parent will be the temperature while their baby is sleeping.  A room temperature of 16-20°C – with a lightweight, well-fitting baby sleep bag– is comfortable and safe for sleeping babies. It is hard to judge if your baby is too hot or cold, the best way to check if your baby is too hot is to check their chest or the back of their neck. If your baby is hot and clammy then remove a piece of bedding or clothing. In the summer months, it is important to keep a regular check and to invest in a good room thermometer.
Following the safe sleep advise is all we can do;  Following those steps are what the Lullaby Trust recommend, and this is where I get all the up-to-date safety in sleep advice, their website is If you have any concerns regarding your baby's sleep safety then this is the place to look. Alternatively please send us a message on our Contact Us page.
Please note the above is our opinion and based on what we believe to be the best way to keep your babies safe while sleeping. 

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